Competition for donations Brave steps forward - soon!


With this call for donations, we support the initiatives of associated citizens who use engaged culture to encourage the development and defense of 4 types of resources in the community: people, infrastructure, nature and cultural heritage.




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Competition for the national award Jelena Šantić - will be open in 2022

The Jelena Šantić Award is intended for those who in the past two years (2018/2019) have significantly contributed to the fight for human rights and the affirmation of individuals and small groups in social change in Serbia through their cultural practices. We award the prize for an author's work, initiative, project or public event.

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Competition for the regional award Jelena Šantić - will be open in 2022

The award is intended for the women collaborative initiatives from the Western Balkans region that have contributed to the fight for human rights, reconciliation, affirmation of women and small groups in social change in the past (2018-2019) with their cultural practices. It is awarded for an initiative, a collaborative project, a public media action event.