Roundtable discussion: feminist activism in the age of identity

Tuesday, 18 June 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM 

Faculty of Political Sciences, Jove Ilića 165, Belgrade 

Rountable Discussion: Feminist Activism in the Age of Identity

CEEISA – ISA ConferenceInternational Relations in the Age of Anxiety is not an open event, but FJS panel discussion can be watched on FJŠ facebook page LIVE!

Across generations, feminists and peace activists in the former Yugoslavia and the post-Yugoslav space have struggled and continued to fight for peaceful and just societies, and equality of opportunity. The panel discussion seeks to find out what were feminist ideas and strategies at different historical periods and how feminists engagements and interventions contributed to peace.

Discussion topics:

  • Feminism in the former Yugoslavia and during the wars.
  • Feminism in the post-war transition and transformation of  societies: What is essentially new in shaping and implementing feminists’ strategies and policies?
  • Feminism after the crisis: What is a way forward after austerity measures and  a major economic crisis in 2008 and an increase of the anti-feminism?

Panelists:Biljana Kašić (University of Zadar), Danijela Dugančić (CRVENA, Association for Culture and Art), Vjollca Krasniqi (University of Pristina), Sonja Lokar (Freelance international expert, Ljubljana), Jelena Petrović (FWF researcher, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna), Dubravka Stojanović (Univeristy of Belgrade)

Moderator:Maja Bjeloš  (The Jelena Santic Foundation)

The panel discussion Feminist Activism in the Age of Identity is a part of a larger project Heroines of Peace – Stories Beyond Negotiating Table that Foundation Jelena Santic conducts in partnership with Center for Research and Gender Policy from Pristina, supported by Balkan Trust for Democracy.