The Jelena Santic Foundation Award: Brave Steps has been established to promote artistic initiatives that contain messages of peace, tolerance, understanding, solidarity – uniting the professional and ethical values of the honorable name it bears. It is awarded every other year in memory of Jelena Santic.
For the first time, the Jelena Santic Foundation has launched a competition for the Best Initiatives Award from the Western Balkans, with the aim of expanding support and promotion of women activist practices, which Jelena Santic boldly and defiantly implemented in the 1990s.
The award is intended for the women collaborative initiatives from the Western Balkans region that have contributed to the fight for human rights, reconciliation, affirmation of women and small groups in social change in the past (2018-2019) with their cultural practices. It is awarded for an initiative, a collaborative project, a public media action event. Jelena Santic Regional Award: Brave steps will be given to women collaborative initiatives from the region based on the following criteria:
- The way the project / author / initiative / public event is relevant, innovative and thematically relevant;
- The implementation of the project / author / initiative / public event was in the period 2018-2019;
- The project or initiative brings together at least 2 women and at least 2 civil society organizations from the region of WB;
- Impact of a public event / project / author / initiative // on a regional environment.
Nominations for Regional Awards can be submitted via online application at the following link.
The deadline for nominations is February 19, 2020 by 7pm.
An independent jury will bring together representatives of the academic community, civil society, activists and artists and decide on the award ceremony.
The Regional Award is presented by the Jelena Santic Foundation in cooperation with the Cure Foundation from Sarajevo and the Center for Research and Gender Studies from Pristina with the support of the Western Balkans Fund.